Tuesday, June 8, 2010

[Ideas] Possible ways to start an RBE

I've been thinking of ways to start an RBE (Resource Based Economy) considering today's society.

So far, I've come up with few ways that could get something like this started in the near future.  The way things are going right now, I'm not sure if those in power would want to give up their positions of power.  The way I see things, if the monetary economy continues along its current course, there are a few possible outcomes:

  • The abuse continues, and the "sheeple" do- or can- not do anything:
    • If this happens, I'm imagining that we will end up in a corporatist state, where corporations own the military and abuse gets much worse.  The general populace would be in lock-down.
  • The abuse continues, and the "sheeple" get a clue, and retaliate:
    • There could be a possibility of a coup with several outcomes, either a continuation of the current broken system, the start of an RBE, or any number of other outcomes.
There is an alternative to the above bleak outcomes.  If there were a way to gather up all the people that truly believe in an RBE, then this group could start a community, like the Amish people have for years.  If the group is diverse enough, then it could possibly work.

The people could be an RBE to the inside, while the group as a whole still conforms to the monetary system.  Basically the people would pool all the resources (in this case money would be one), and use the resources to strengthen the community, grow infrastructure, expand, and promote growth of the community.

I'd imagine that the community would have to have jobs near the community for a while to bring in resources (money, or trade) until it expanded enough to cause catalyst in society.  Considering that the community would have a better internal societal system, it could be possible to produce superior goods or services to the 'monetary society'.  The community could start by implementing some of the technologies that smart resource management would produce:  energy, technological advances, etc.  I personally think starting up some form of energy production would be the best in terms of effort vs returns considering that most of the world seems to be in a rough patch as far as energy output goes.  The community could even undercut the 'competing monetary-based energy providers' considering that the community would not be as concerned about 'getting rich' as it would be in maintaining a decent amount of resources.

Once the community expanded enough, it could go a few different ways in reaction to the monetary-based government:  
  • It could continue to slowly grow and try to stay un-noticed until there isn't anything the corporate/monetary/federal system could do about it due to size and causing further catalyst to the outside society and causing a flashing point of retaliation and demand for change.
  • It could possibly be treated like Waco, or something similar, where the Fed just jumps in and eliminates people, and generates falsehoods to cover up the story and make the 'sheeple' believe it.
  • It could request sovereignty.  Probably wouldn't happen, but it could.  This could be granted or denied, with the above two ideas as results either way.
  • It could become a state of its own, still part of the USA.  This would probably not happen but if it did I'd imagine that there would be a massive influx of people (and possibly resources).  This would probably also be the catalyst that creates a flash-point and starts a chain reaction.
I'm sure there are other ways to start an RBE and make it grow in today's society, so that it can grow and eventually become de facto for the nation and the world.

I wish someone would hop on here, read my thoughts, and we could put heads together -- or bash 'em together!  Even some criticism would be nice, so long as we kept it a discussion with compromise, and not a flame-war.

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